Clinical Nursing Practice Essay Discussion Paper

Discussion Response

Hi Dominica,

Excellent post! I like your post about the use of proper car seats to improve population health. I agree that there is a need to increase the education of the general population and having parents and families utilize the proper car seats. Thousands of children under the age of five are killed or seriously wounded in car accidents every year. The proper usage of kid safety seats in vehicles helps to keep youngsters safe. However, because to the large number of various seats available on the market, most parents find this to be daunting. When compared to the usage of seat belts or driving without restraints, proper car seat use lowers the chance of injury, hospital admission, or death by more than 70% (Webb, 2019). Education on the car seats that are ideal for certain ages, and having professionals enlighten the broader pediatric community on the subject is essential. Overall, the death of children and teens in motor vehicle accidents caused by inappropriate use of safety restraints persists to be a huge problem in the United States, therefore I suggest that parental education regarding recommended car seat and booster seat height, weight, and age suggestions for children and teens remains an absolute must-have Clinical Nursing Practice Essay Discussion Paper.



Webb, B. P. (2019). Parental Knowledge of Car Seat Safety.

Car Seats is a hot topic that i appreciate very much. Improving pupulation health would be to have a way to educate the population on increasing the education of the general population and having parents and families utilize the proper car seats. This can happen through the pediatrician offices. Making sure to educate the pediatrican offices on what car seats are the best for what ages and having the pediatricians educate the general pediatric population. A quality imrpvoement intitiative would be to provide a survey to the general pediatric population and therefore obtain data from the survey that shows if the parents really know how to properly provide a car seat for their child and then turning the data into an educational pamphlet that could be provided to the same patients and families. Obtaining qualititative and quanititative data will help with this process. To be more specific the car seat survey will improve the health of the general population because if an infant or a child is properly in a properly installed car seat, they therefore will help decrease the risk of major head injuries in car seats and will help decrease injuries in motor vehicle crashes. Just for an example if an infant is in a rear facing car seat they are four times safer than forward facing. Therefore if this fact is taught to parents, this could encourage safer child restraining Clinical Nursing Practice Essay Discussion Paper.


Curtis, K., Fry, M., Shaban, R. Z., & Considine, J. (2016). Translating research findings to clinical nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing26(5-6), 862–872. Retrieved August 7, 2021

“Car Seat Safety Tips.” Safe Kids Worldwide, Clinical Nursing Practice Essay Discussion Paper